Non Govt School Admission Result 2025 – Lottery Draw Result

Non Govt. School Admission Lottery Result 2025 is going to Publish on December 17, 2024. The Non govt School Lottery Result will be Collect from the Result Link from All over Bangladesh. So, Today we are going to discuss the most selected topic about Non Govt school admission results. If you have landed to know about the GSA result, then you are in the right place. You will come to know a clear description related to this.

Non-Govt School Admission Result 2025

After a few days, the applying process in various govt schools is going to start. After applying the most concern matter to all the candidates are to know the result. They get much tense about when the result will be published, how to check it, etc. Stay with our post to know about all the pieces of information.

In the academic year of 2024, the director of the education board decided to publish the admission result online. Students of primary and secondary will admit based on this result. Here are more details about the result date and checking process. To get the result, follow our suggested steps line by line. Then, it seems to be very easy to find the result of yours. Ok, let’s get started.

Non Govt School Lottery Result

The government has decided that no admission test will be taken of any classes. The complete admission process will be done by lottery. After completing applying process, the government-held result date on December 17, 2024. All the students will get results on that particular date. The selected candidates based on the lottery will get a chance to admit to their respective classes.

Non Govt School Admission Lottery Result Date

As you all know, the application process for admission to the govt school will be held from November 12 to 30, 2024. All classes need to apply through online for admission. Now let’s come to the resulting process.

We already know the school result published on December 17, 2024. Now, The Ministry of Education are going to Organized Govt and Non govt School Lottery on December 17, 2024. This year’s entire admission process will be held through a central lottery system. No admission test will take for admission.

How to Check No Govt School Lottery Result 2025

After completing applying or admission test, it will be the desire for all the candidates to know the results. But many students take it tough. No worries, we will explain the easiest ways to check the result. Have a look at the below process:

  • At first, you have to visit
  • You will see several options on the window. Select the “Non Govt School Admission” The option will have at the top of the list.
  • Now, You Will Get Merit Result and Waiting List Result link and Click Them
  • After entering, you will see a box that will appear named “User Id.” There you have to fill the field with your User ID.
  • Enter your User ID in the box, which you have to get at application time through SMS—Click Submit button.

That’s all. You can see your GSA result after some while.

No Govt School Lottery Result by SMS

In the previous year, only class 1 students had to admit through the lottery. But this year, as the decision, all of the classes admission will be done by this process, no admission test will be held. Beside From Online Checking System, Students or Guardian Can check the result by sending sms to 16222 number from any mobile operator in Bangladesh.

So, the term result date and lottery date are pretty similar for this year. Candidates who will apply for admission in govt School will get their lottery result on the decided result date. We have already talked about this topic in the previous section. Please see above to know the lottery date.

Private School Admission Lottery Result

Students will get the result from classes 1-9 in the same process. We have clearly described result-checking methods step by step above, which will be applicable to any class. But candidates can get admitted to their desired class based on the number of vacant seats.

Our aim of this post is to provide accurate information about the admission result of No govt school to all of you. We expect we have done it correctly. Hope you Enjoy the post and it will help you to get the Non government School Admission Lottery Result 2024 of Any Class

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