School Lottery Result 2025 – Live Lottery Draw & Result

The School Lottery Result 2025 for government and non-government schools in Bangladesh will be announced on December 17, 2024. The Directorate of Secondary and Higher Education (DSHE) will conduct a digital lottery draw to make the result in merit and waiting list. Both Merit list results and waiting list result will be published soon after the lottery draw.

The School Admission process simplifies the govt and non-govt school admission by providing a fair chance for all applicants. This year, the lottery will be held at 10:00 a.m. at the International Mother Language Institute, and the results will be available on the official DSHE website. Participants and interested individuals can follow the event live on TV channels and the DSHE Facebook page. Following the lottery, results will be divided into merit and waiting lists.

School Lottery Result 2025

The Govt. and Non-Govt. School Admission Lottery Draw for 2025 is set to occur on December 17, 2024. It is scheduled to take place at 10:00 am using a digital lottery system. This lottery will determine the merit list and waiting list students for all classes from 1 to 9. The admission results, featuring both the merit and waiting lists, will be available on the official website, You’ll find separate options to check the merit and waiting lists for both Govt and Non-Govt Schools.

স্কুল ভর্তির লটারি রেজাল্ট প্রকাশ – সরকারি ও বেসরকারি রেজাল্ট দেখুন

A total of 983,539 students have submitted applications for both government and non-government schools. Government schools have received 635,072 applications, whereas 348,467 applications were for non-government schools. Following the publication of the results, the admission will proceed from December 17 to December 21. Admissions from the first phase waiting list will be conducted between December 22 and 24, while the second phase list admissions will occur from December 26 to 30. This schedule ensures a smooth transition for all students entering the school year.

How to Check School Admission Result 2024

Students eagerly awaiting their results can now find out who gained admission on December 17, 2024. The results are officially published on Be wary of other websites; only this site provides the official figures.

To check the School Lottery Result, follow these steps:

  1. Visit
  2. Select Govt or Non-Govt School Lottery Result
  3. Now, Choose Merit list or Waiting list
  4. Enter your Student User ID, Date of Birth and Mobile Number
  5. Submit the information.
  6. View your result on the screen.

School Admission Merit Result And Waiting Result

When approaching school admissions, you will encounter two major result lists: the merit list and the waiting list. The merit list is a important part of the school admission process and is determined using a digital lottery system. Those at the top of this list gain immediate admission offers, reflecting their ranking position in the lottery draw. To access your merit result, visit the official school admission portal. You will need to log in using your user ID, Mobile Number and date of Birth. The merit list is a ranking of students who qualify for admission based on the lottery system. This list is compiled digitally, ensuring a fair and unbiased selection process. Students on this list have been deemed eligible for immediate admission.

The waiting list serves as a backup for students who did not make it onto the merit list. Placement on this list means you still have a chance of admission, but it depends on the availability of seats after the initial admission offers are accepted or declined.

For the Govt School Admission Waiting List 2025, the procedure remains similar. Ensure that you frequently visit the official site for any changes or updates regarding your admission chances and take note of important dates and deadlines associated with the process.

Final School Admission 2025

The School Admission Lottery Result for 2025 has been released. If your child’s name appears on the merit list, there are important dates and actions you need to be aware of. From December 17 to 21, you must complete the admission process if your child is on the merit list. This involves submitting necessary documents and fees to secure their place. Pay attention to instructions provided by the school to ensure a smooth admission.

In cases where your child is on the waiting list, the process involves two phases. Admission from the first phase waiting list occurs from December 22 to 24. For the second phase, it extends from December 26 to 30.


The school admission lottery results for 2025 will determine student placements in government and Non-Government schools across Bangladesh. The process ensures transparency through a digital lottery system, which impacts school admissions system. This year’s government school admission lottery draw is scheduled for December 17, 2024, at the International Mother Language Institute. The central portal for viewing the school admission results is the official website You should log in using the credentials you used during the application process.

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